NCATS Online Course in Translational Science

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Enhance your translational science skills this fall with a seven-week online course.

MEDI 501: Principles of Preclinical Translational Science (link is external). This class is open to the public and is being offered by NCATS’ Education Branch in partnership with the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (link is external).

  • When: Aug 30 – Oct 15, 2021
  • Where:;jsessionid=ADA264A72EC55FE50B2949B7E1020C12?method=load&courseId=1072748
  • Cost: $350

Registration for the fall course is open (link is external). Please note that if you do not already have an FAES account, you will be required to make one before you can complete registration. There is a short wait time after submitting the form while FAES reviews the information submitted. After this review, the account will be activated and the prospective student will receive an email with the subject heading “Welcome to FAES” and will be able to register for MEDI 501.

An Engaging Case Study Teaching Approach

Translational science is an emerging field that seeks to identify broadly generalizable scientific and operational principles to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of translational research. In this course, students will learn preclinical translational science principles.

Faculty will teach these principles through a case study of a highly successful translational research partnership involving NCATS, the National Cancer Institute, Northwestern University and the University of Kansas. The partnership produced a promising potential drug shown to inhibit metastasis in animal models, which is currently being examined in a first-in-human clinical trial.

Time Requirement

This one-credit course requires a time commitment of about one hour per week to listen to course lectures and some additional time to complete course readings and other short assignments.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the definitions and goals of translational research and translational science and how they differ.
  • Identify a range of scientific and operational principles that can be applied to enhance preclinical translational research projects.
  • Learn about the research process necessary to enable a scientific discovery to produce an effective compound that can be used in humans.
  • Learn about the varied roles of different disciplines, as well as agencies — including industry, government agencies, and academic faculty and institutions — in advancing translational research and how to facilitate effective interagency and team-based partnerships.

Who Should Participate?

  • Individuals at all career stages — from students to senior scientists — and across a variety of roles, including scientists, administrators and experts in scientific collaboration
  • Individuals interested in exploring translational science as a research area or career path
  • Individuals interested in learning scientific, operational and partnership principles for effective translational research that can be applied to their own work
  • Faculty involved in translational science education and training programs
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subsector Device Diagnostic Digital Drug
user Community Faculty Graduate Student Postdoc Small Business Staff Undergrads University
type Seminar